Renefer Association - non-profit-organization

Association Renefer

Welcome to the Renefer Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to the french artist Renefer. The Renefer Association was founded in 2004 by Marie Gabrielle Thierry, with the support of the artist's grandson and friends

The Renefer Association:

  • Promotes Renefer's works,
  • Organizes events and exhibitions and publishes catalogues and books about the artist and his work,
  • Presents documents and artist's original works for galleries, museums, and interested parties, ...

The membership of The Renefer Association includesthe artist's relatives and friends, whoprovide invaluable understanding about the personality and life of the artist. With others members, they attest to his talent and success.

Many of the artist's masterpieces were shipped to collectors in North and South America during 1940's,1950's and 1960's.
Renefer Association asked to help :
  • Locate Renefer's works throughout the world,
  • Edit Renefer's wrintings on art
  • Produce films and restore Black and White photographs and films of the artist
  • Search archival materials in museums, libraries, and other locations.

If you have the skill and knowledge to help promote Renefer, please promptly contact M.Gabrielle Thierry, founder and president of the Renefer Association.

The address of the Renefer Association is in Paris - France

(change in progress)
To wright us, please send your letter to :
Association Renefer - 58 bis, rue Charles Infroit - 78570 ANDRESY - France

The Board

M.Gabrielle Thierry
Gabrielle Thierry is the official expert appointed by Philippe Bassier, the Renefer's grand-son, to prepare the catalogue raisonné of his works (in progress)

Artist Painter
Philippe Bassier, Renefer's grandson
Honorary President.
Claude Naudin, Renefer's friend
Honorary Member

Artist Painter
Jean-Marc Surcin

Senior reporter and director in documentaries division at France Televisions
Jean-Pierre Thierry
General Secretary



 How to join...

The Renefer Association invites art enthusiasts to join its membership for supporting research on Renefer and/or for participating in the organisation of events and exhibitions.

Please fill in the Membership Register Form and follow the instruction.
or make an electronic donation via HELLOASSO,